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SAF Names New President-Elect

Jennifer Zurko

Oscar Fernandez, director of sales for Equiflor-Rio Roses in Miami, Florida, has been named the Society of American Florists’ (SAF) next president-elect.

SAF’s president-elect is nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Board of Directors. Candidates for president-elect must have previously served as non-officer members of the board of directors or as SAF’s treasurer. Oscar will begin his two-year term as president-elect when current president-elect Michelle Castellano Keeler of Mellano & Company in San Luis Rey, California, is sworn in as president during the business meeting at SAF Orlando 2021 in September. Elections for new members of SAF’s board of directors and councils will take place in July.

“I am very excited to have been chosen to serve as president-elect,” Oscar said. “We have all lived through an interesting time in the last year and a half, and our wonderful industry has proven its strength. Working with everyone in this role will be an honor and privilege.”

“SAF is fortunate to have someone with Oscar’s industry knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit serve as our next president-elect,” said Kate Penn, CEO of SAF. “With his current service on the board of directors, he understands SAF’s strategic direction and will be well-equipped to hit the ground running in his new position.”

Oscar says his focus will be to continue to showcase the value SAF offers to members—and the industry.

“I am looking forward to working with not only the members of SAF but also with other floral industry organizations to further SAF’s mission to connect and cultivate a thriving floral community,” he said. GT   

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