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Welcome Denielle Noe to Ball Publishing!

Jennifer Zurko
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We’re very excited to welcome Denielle Noe as our new Publishing Assistant. In her new role with Ball Publishing, she’ll be handling customer service, managing our circulation and enormous readership database, and anything else we can throw at her.

Denielle comes to us from inside the Ball Corporation where she’s worked since 2008, including 10 years for the Burpee program as their brand administrator. If she had a personal motto, Denielle says it would be “anything and everything.”

Her younger years were filled with skating, baton twirling and dancing. Writing short stories and poetry, hand knitting and reading book upon book are just a few of her passions. She’s also a talented artist who’s practiced many art forms, including traditional black-and-white film photography, watercolor painting and art journaling. Denielle is married and loves playing the ukulele while singing to her son and enjoying many family adventures. GT


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