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Edenfield Joins Skagit Horticulture

Chris Beytes
Dave Edenfield, who’s got a long record of service to the greenhouse industry, has joined Skagit Horticulture, a nationwide supplier of annual and perennial color in Mount Vernon, Washington. He’ll serve as Key Accounts Manager, working with Skagit’s mass merchant customers.

Says Chris MacLaggan, National Sales and Marketing Manager for Skagit, “Dave is a respected industry veteran who brings a broad level of experience in management, sales and program development; strong customer service; and professionalism to Skagit Horticulture that will allow us to expand our growth opportunities in the mass merchant market channel.”

How broad is Dave’s experience? Like the side of a barn! His background includes IGC retail (his first industry job out of college), Vaughan’s Seed Company, Greiling Farms/Natural Beauty, Smith Gardens, McConkey Co. and his own consultancy firm, Visions Group.

Skagit Horticulture was established in January from the merger of Northwest Horticulture and Skagit Gardens. As well as producing young plant liners, its brands include Northwest Horticulture, serving mass merchants and producing starter plants for the agricultural market; Etera, serving the green roof industry; and Skagit Gardens, serving independent garden centers. GT
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