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Star Gets a New President

Jennifer Zurko
Bradd Yoder has been selected to become the next president of Star Roses & Plants. Steve Hutton, former principal owner and current president, has worked closely with the Ball Executive Committee on a succession plan following Ball’s acquisition of Star in the fall of 2015. Steve’s plan was to continue leading the company for two years and then retire. 

Identifying a successor for Steve has been the most important step in his plan. Steve’s involvement in his family’s business dates back to his childhood. Earning a degree in English Literature from Earlham College, Steve set out to apprentice at other nurseries and rejoined the company in 1978. With Steve’s retirement, Bradd becomes the first non-family member to lead Star Roses & Plants, a company founded in 1897.

Bradd joined Star in 1994 as a Sales Representative from Henry F. Michell Company, where he served as Assistant Nursery Buyer. The Sales Representative role at Star was enhanced to Territory Manager in 2010 and Bradd continued to grow his Mid-Atlantic territory successfully for the next several years. In 2013, Bradd added responsibility as Woody Product Manager while retaining his sales role. And following the acquisition by Ball in 2015, Bradd was promoted to Director of Sales. He’s an active member of the Eastern Shore Nurseryman’s Association and a 2017 graduate of the EAGL Leadership Program. Additionally, Bradd has served his local community through his membership in various associations.

Steve will continue as President until October 1, giving Bradd the opportunity to focus on achieving sales goals for the year, develop a plan for the sales management role and work closely with Steve. As of October 1, Bradd will become president and take responsibility for the operating functions of the company. Steve will remain on a part-time basis to complete the transition of his knowledge and experience. GT
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