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Adriana Heikkila
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PanAmerican Seed

Matrix pansies are your best option for longer days and warmer growing. They offer less handling, less waste and exceptional holding power for higher profitability. Matrix has the best uniformity of timing and plant habit on the market with a seven-day bloom window across all colors. That means easy scheduling and growing. This low-maintenance series of large-flowered pansies is excellent for your professional landscaper customers because Matrix is available in the colors, patterns and mixes they desire. Pictured: Matrix Mixture Pansy.

Argus Control Systems Ltd.
I/O Plus is an advanced module that concentrates more input/output capacity and control into 33% less space while providing greater flexibility for a grower’s control strategy. With an integrated power supply and additional input/output terminals, I/O Plus is designed specifically for use in horticultural, agricultural and plant science applications. I/O Plus modules communicate seamlessly with other Argus controllers and other I/O modules. For a small greenhouse, a single I/O Plus equipped with a controller is a stand-alone solution for a simple climate zone.

Atlas Manufacturing Inc.
Atlas’ trademark EZ Roll-Up Curtain system is a cost-effective solution for greenhouse natural ventilation. Constructed from thick 12-mil. UV-protected fabric, the EZ Roll-Up system eliminates the need for additional structural framing materials and provides a means to attach poly film to the roof. Its inflatable curtain pocket provides a weather seal on the ends of the curtain and the center-located crank rod reduces your crank rotations by 50%. Atlas’ gear reduction manual crank packages open and close the curtain with ease. 3

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Star Roses and Plants

White Knock Out is an excellent shrub rose, which stands out in the landscape with the contrast between pure white blooms and very dark green foliage. It blooms from spring through fall and maintains a compact habit.

Bushel and Berry
Perpetua produces two crops of delicious blueberries. The first fruit will appear in mid-summer and then the plant will flower and set fruit a second time in the fall. The dark green leaves will turn to deep red and greens in the winter, making it a beautiful year-long addition to any landscape.

Nexus Greenhouse Systems
You get maximum natural ventilation with the wide span Nexus Dual Atrium system. The unique ridge vent opens outward and upward from near the top to provide natural ventilation, offering total versatility for all crops at all stages, creating hardier plant material. The roof closes in less than three minutes. Fewer obstructions lead to higher light levels. The structure will reduce capital and operating costs. This affordable structure is constructed to meet regional snow and wind load requirements, and covering flexibility. GT
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