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GROWERTALKS - May 2024 Issue (Vol. 88 No. 1)
Acres & Acres
Of Plants and Pizza
Chris Beytes
Is there a human on the planet who can honestly say they don’t like flowers and plants?
Cover Story
New Holiday Intros
Jennifer Zurko
Order cuttings of these new poinsettia cultivars now for this year’s holiday season sales. (P.S. There were no new whites this year.)
4 Steps to Poinsettia Success
Nancy Rechcigl
Prepare for poinsettia production with proper cultural practices.
Advancing Technology
Jennifer Polanz
Indoor Ag-Con is an annual event geared toward controlled environments, and lots of the new products and concepts we saw there can apply to the ornamentals market, too.
Keep Your Points Disease-Free
Kurt Becker
Fogging calcium for Poinsettia Bract Edge Burn
Tech On Demand Team Profile: Nick Flax
Bill Calkins
This four-part series will highlight the four members of Ball Seed’s Tech Team and the stories of how they came into horticulture.
The Best Poinsettia for …
Chris Beytes
We asked experts to take off their company hats and tell us, objectively and honestly as they could, which varieties, regardless of breeder, are the very best in a wide range of categories. Here’s a brief excerpt of their answers.
Growers Talk Business
The Game Changer
Stan Vander Waal
Planning for this peak could truly be a game changer and assure you a smoother, more successful, season.
Growers Talk Production
A Blossoming Adventure: The Pro Mastercourse in Floriculture
Stephanie Saccomano
The Pro Manager Mastercourse in Floriculture, organized by Jungle Talks, wasn’t your run-of-the-mill tour; it was an intensive dive into the depths, designed for us to leave behind the familiarity of our daily grinds in pursuit of broader horizons.
GT in Brief
AmericanHort Launches New Greenhouse Technician Certification
Jennifer Zurko
AmericanHort announced the debut of the Greenhouse Technician Certification, a significant step in horticultural training tailored to meet the unique needs of the greenhouse sector.
GT in Brief
An Automated TC-propagation Machine From Down Under
Chris Beytes
Lowes TC in Tumbi Umbi, Australia, has been working on the technology for automating the TC process for a decade.
GT in Brief
Going Solar
Jennifer Zurko
Dan Foster, Senior Manager of Growing Operations for Four Star, asked if we wanted to see their new array of solar panels.
GT in Brief
Learn to Communicate Successfully With Your Latino Workforce
Jennifer Zurko
Claudio Carlos Pasian, Associate Professor, Emeritus at The Ohio State University, is teaching this new grower online training course.
GT in Brief
NGB, AAS to Merge
Chris Beytes & Jennifer Zurko
National Garden Bureau (NGB) and All-America Selections (AAS) have completed an organizational merger of the two organizations into one.
GT in Brief
On the Move
Jennifer Polanz
Atticus, LLC; Bailey; Dümmen Orange; Jiffy; Midwest Groundcovers; MPS; OHP; Syngenta
GT in Brief
What’s Behind the Changes at Dümmen Orange?
Chris Beytes
Since February, GrowerTalks has received three press releases regarding changes to licensing agreements and partnerships.
GT in Brief
Zapping Bugs With Lasers
Chris Beytes
At Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands, researcher Estuardo “EJ” Hernández Olesinski and his team are seeing if lasers can be used in the greenhouse to kill insect pests.
Guest Column
The Market Structure of Vincas
Lowell Halvorson
Today’s vinca sales are driven by two primary forces: commercial plantings and southern work.
Inside Look
Do We Still Like Poinsettias?
Jennifer Zurko
When visiting a handful of growers last year in New Jersey during Week 48, this is the question I posed to them.
JZ on D.C.
Plantpeddler Honored for Supporting Ag Education
Jennifer Zurko
Congratulations to Mike, Rachel and John Gooder, and everyone at Plantpeddler of Cresco, Iowa, for being honored by the state for supporting agricultural education.
Pest Management
A Quick Review of Poinsettia Downy Mildew
Nora Catlin
Powdery mildew can spread rapidly once the conditions are favorable, and an epidemic can be devastating to a poinsettia crop. The key is finding it early and staying on top of management.
Pest Management
Biofungicides Derived From Plant Extracts
A.R. Chase
One of the easiest types of biopesticides to successfully use are those derived from plants.
AccuWeather WS-5000
Ambient Weather
Dramm Corporation
Dianthus Mad Magenta
Dümmen Orange
Universal Dimmer
GrowFlux Inc.
Web-based Software