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GROWERTALKS - January 2024 Issue (Vol. 87 No. 9)
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Acres & Acres
What’s in Store for ’24?
Chris Beytes
I hate crystal ball editorials, but, alas, a trade magazine editor is expected to write such a column.
Cover Story
Making Your Peat Go Farther
Dr. Brian E. Jackson
The exact impact of peat shortages is yet to be seen, but there are some options you can consider.
Culture Notes
Perfecting Patterned Petunias
Mike Fernandez
Recent breakthroughs in breeding are making those patterns more consistent, but there are a few things growers can do to produce a high-quality crop that will create a good experience for both retailers and home gardeners.
Culture Notes
Queen Bee: A New Kind of Shrub
David Roberts
While most vitex can reach heights of 15- to 20-ft. tall, Queen Bee is a naturally rounded shrub about half the size of traditional vitex.
Cut Flowers & Lighting
Caleb Spall & Roberto Lopez
Does the light quality (color) from your supplemental lighting fixtures influence the flowering responses of long-day plants?
Exploring New Market Channels
Xuan Wei, Hayk Khachatryan, Charlie Hall, Marco Palma & Ariana Torres
Results on a study on evolving market dynamics in the green industry, from wholesale to retail.
Rehydrating Unrooted Cuttings
Bill Calkins
Total moisture control starts even before cuttings arrive at your greenhouse. New research shows there are benefits to be gained from different rehydration strategies. Ninety percent of rooting issues can be avoided when you address turgidity before the cutting is stuck and throughout the first stages of propagation.
Sugarcoating Substrate Security
Jeb S. Fields, Maureen Thiessen & Damon Abdi
Sugarcane is a global crop with a long history, but can it be used as an alternative to peat?
Synergizing Growing Media
Shiv Reddy
Answers to common questions on how the mix of coir and peat compensates and complements each other's attributes.
The World of Digital Finance
Mark E. Battersby
The variety of products, applications, processes and business models that constitute today’s digitalization are already having an impact on many within the flower and plant industry.
Where to Find the New Stuff
Jennifer Zurko
Our California Spring Trials guide on who’s gonna be there, where and when.
Growers Talk Business
Business Succession: What’s Your Plan?
Stan Vander Waal
Even if succession may not be an immediate reality, considering the future and adopting a succession sell strategy can be wise.
Growers Talk Production
Inspect What You Expect
Stephanie Saccomano
Tools are wonderful things, but I use the word “tool” very deliberately.
GT in Brief
Chilling Out
Jennifer Zurko
This is one of their two massive hot gas defrost coolers that holds over 750,000 pots filled with spring bulbs patiently waiting for poinsettia season to end so that they can be taken out of the darkness and put in the greenhouse.
GT in Brief
In Memoriam: Rick Schoellhorn
Chris Beytes
I’m very sorry to have to report the passing of Rick Schoellhorn on November 25 after a two-year battle with lung cancer.
GT in Brief
On The Move
Jennifer Zurko
Ball Seed; Envu; Monrovia; Vineland Research & Innovation Centre
GT in Brief
Six National AAS Winners Announced for 2024
Jennifer Zurko
All-America Selections (AAS), North America’s most well-known and respected non-profit plant trialing organization, has six new National AAS Winners available for 2024.
GT in Brief
Steve Rinehart Breeding Poinsettias for Express Seed
Chris Beytes
Express has announced that Steve has gone from consultant to breeder under an exclusive contract with his company, Rinehart Poinsettias.
GT in Brief
USDA Unveils Updated Plant Hardiness Zone Map
Chris Beytes
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a new version of its Plant Hardiness Zone Map, updating this valuable tool for the first time since 2012.
Guest Column
“I Have a Problem With My Order”
Rayne Gibson
Selling plants is possibly the most stressful job anyone in the horticulture industry can have. But you can use these traits to your advantage and create a gameplan to mitigate issues before they ever arise.
Guest Column
Why Gerberas Got Game
Lowell Halvorson
Gerberas offer a quick hit of garden goodness that adds little rays of sunshine to your day.
Inside Look
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much?
Jennifer Zurko
Have you ever heard the saying, “Too much of a good thing is never good”?
JZ on D.C.
USDA Publishes Farm Labor Survey
Jennifer Zurko
The Farm Labor Survey, conducted by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), provides employment and wage estimates for workers directly hired by U.S. farms and ranches, excluding Alaska, for four quarterly reference weeks and annual averages.
Pest Management
What Makes a Product OMRI-listed?
A.R. Chase
A brief review of the history and organic products used for disease control.
“Thrive” Booklet
Ball Landscape
HydraFiber TruRoot + Peat
Profile Products
Jiffy Preforma Plugs
Jiffy Group
LIA Abstract Lemon Cherry Calibracho
Magic Gardener
Mycorrhizal Applications
POPagation Station Plug Popper
T.O. Plastics Inc.