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GROWERTALKS - September 2023 Issue (Vol. 87 No. 5)
Acres & Acres
Not Customer Service—Hospitality
Chris Beytes
I’ve long felt customer service is the one easiest (and hardest) place you can make your business stand out from the crowd.
Cover Story
Tackling the Tough Stuff
Jennifer Zurko
Matthew Tyson, this year’s GrowerTalks/Ball Horticultural Company Young Grower Award winner, has used the life lessons he’s learned and his years on the football field to lead his team at Costa Farms to success.
A Good Vibe
Chris Beytes, Jennifer Zurko, Bill Calkins & Jennifer Polanz
The mood was good and the new products were plenty at Cultivate’23. Here are some highlights.
Pre-production Prep
Jennifer Zurko
Growing info on some of the newest varieties.
Service in Real Time
Katie Elzer-Peters
Grow your customer base with live online inventory.
Growers Talk Business
Headwinds Ahead?
Stan Vander Waal
How do we as operators and business owners prudently plan and navigate the challenges ahead?
Growers Talk Production
Micromanage Plants, Grow People
Stephanie Saccomano
One can’t possibly micromanage every person’s decision making and expect to live a long, happy life.
GT in Brief
2024 Great American Gardener Awards Nomination Open Now
Jennifer Zurko
Nominations are still being accepted for the American Horticultural Society’s (AHS) 2024 Great American Gardeners Awards.
GT in Brief
AFE Releases Thrips & Botrytis Library
JC Chong
The American Floral Endowment (AFE) has released its Thrips and Botrytis Research Library.
GT in Brief
All In for Next Year’s Varieties
Jennifer Zurko
On August 8 and 9, growers, retailers, brokers and breeders were hosted by four local trials sites.
GT in Brief
Danziger Announces Imagine More Scholarship Program
Jennifer Zurko
Danziger is celebrating its 70th anniversary, and to mark this milestone, the company is partnering with the Horticulture Research Institute to develop a new scholarship.
GT in Brief
Get the 2024 AAS Winners From These Young Plant Suppliers
Jennifer Zurko
Don’t know which All-America Selection (AAS) winners are available at your supplier? Go to the AAS website!
GT in Brief
New Joint Guide for IPM in New York, New England
Chris Beytes
A perk of signing up for this fall’s Northeast Greenhouse Conference & Expo is the chance to pick up a copy of the new New York and New England Management Guidelines for Greenhouse Floriculture and Herbaceous Ornamentals.
GT in Brief
On The Move
Jennifer Zurko
Ball FloraPlant/Selecta One; Eason Horticultural Services; Jiffy; Plant Development Services, Inc.
GT in Brief
Remembering Jim Nau
Jennifer Zurko
Jim earned his spot as an industry icon because of his broad swath of horticulture knowledge garnered through years and years of planning and growing for the Ball Gardens.
Guest Column
Begin With the Waxes
Lowell Halvorson
Waxes are relentlessly reliable. In an industry full of risks, they bring stability.
Inside Look
“Mike” on the Strong Side
Jennifer Zurko
Now that Matthew Tyson is a grower for one of the biggest operations in the country, he's been playing his old football role again.
JZ on D.C.
Federal Labor Program Updates
Jennifer Zurko
There were several Department of Labor (DOL) updates on both the H-2A and H-2B temporary worker programs in July.
Pest Management
The Effect of Growing Medium on Steinernema feltiae
Dr. Raymond A. Cloyd
Steinernema feltiae is an entomopathogenic nematode used in greenhouse production systems to manage fungus gnat larval populations.
Coleus Premium Sun Coral Candy
All-America Selections
Poseidon Boulevard Evipo113
Donahues Clematis Specialists
DPH Biologicals
SB Machinerie SB 06
Ball Seed
Senetti Blue Bicolor Improved
Suntory Flowers