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ThinkPlants Announces New Shrub Program

Chris Beytes

Perennials are great, but don’t you also need some foundation plants to anchor them into the landscape? That must be what the folks at ThinkPlants were thinking when they decided to expand into the woody plant market with the launch of a new shrub liner program.

“Expanding into the shrub category has been a consideration for some time,” admits Joey Wiseman, Director of ThinkPlants. “We believe the timing is perfect for this new program and we couldn’t be more excited.”

ThinkPlants has primarily focused on perennials since its founding in 2018.

The expansion into shrubs is in collaboration with Monrovia Nursery, which wants to expand its young-plant sales. ThinkPlants will get some exclusive Monrovia genetics, as well as a portfolio of the well-known, high-volume, non-patented varieties. Said Monrovia president and CEO Jonathan Pedersen, “We are committed to producing the best liners available, similar to our approach with finished plants, while establishing a high-quality supply chain and introducing unique genetics.”

Creekside Greenhouses, a participant in the ThinkPlants network since 2021, will also play a role in the shrub initiative, focusing on the introduction and sales of pre-finished hydrangeas. GT

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