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New Holiday Intros

Jennifer Zurko

Watch our video coverage of N.G. Heimos’ 2023 Poinsettia Open House.

And watch Hortistician Dr. Marvin Miller teach us what a “cyathium” is.


(Listed by timing, from earliest to latest)

Christmas Chorus, Christmas Song (Selecta One)

Timing: 7.5 weeks/8.5 weeks  

Vigor: Medium 

Recommended container: 4 to 10 in.

Selecta introduced two new reds this year that are very similar because they’re from the same breeding, but Christmas Chorus is a bit earlier. Both feature the modern attributes of a steep V-shaped angle, free branching, smaller foliage with medium to larger bracts, strong stems and “modest” cyathia. Both Chorus and Song have good root systems, so they grow well in soil that has wood amendments and have a good shelf life. Chorus is becoming a favorite in the Pacific Northwest and Canada, while growers in the warmer areas of the south and southwest seem to like Song.

Luna (Beekenkamp)

Timing: 7.5 weeks

Vigor: Medium 

Recommended container: 4 to 8 in.

Luna has what many would consider a “traditional” poinsettia look—a tidy, V-shaped habit and good branching for that florist look. But this one is best for northern growers because it’s not as heat tolerant as others.

Article ImageRuby Red (Express Seed) (pictured)

Timing: 7. 5 to 8 weeks

Vigor: Medium 

Recommended container: 2 to 10 in.

Ruby Red comes from the Syngenta breeding lines and is a deep reddish burgundy with deep green foliage, with the color under black cloth a bit less saturated. It doesn’t branch out and has smaller bracts for better sleeving. There was a soft launch last year and it is now fully available. At the N.G. Heimos Poinsettia Open House, Ruby Red tied for the most votes among the trial attendees with Princettia Sparkling Rouge.

Fortuna Red (Rinehart Poinsettias)

Timing: 8 weeks

Vigor: Medium 

Recommended container: 6 in. and up

Fortuna Red has an upright habit, strong stems and prominent cyathia. Note how you can see each plant independently in this block—an indication of just how upright and V-shaped Fortuna is. And it has very dark foliage.

Red Ribbons (Dümmen Orange)

Timing: 8 weeks

Vigor: Medium 

Recommended container: From 2 in. to a tree

Red Ribbons has a pronounced oak-leaf bract. Naturally branching, you can grow it without a pinch.

Red Jewel (Dümmen Orange)

Timing: 8.5 weeks

Vigor: Low   

Recommended container: Up to 8 in.

Red Jewel is a mid- to late-season intro with dark red bracts and dark green foliage. It’s good for florists, churches and fundraisers.



Article ImagePrincettia (Suntory) (pictured)

Timing: 7 to 7.5 weeks

Vigor: Low

Recommended container: Up to a 6.5 in.  

Possibly the largest introduction year since 2012 when Princettia first hit the North American market with four different pinks, Suntory showed us six new varieties, which include the first Glitter/Jingle-style ones.

Sparkling Rouge has dark pink bracts with pink sparkles; Sparkling Rosé has pink bracts and white sparkles. Sparkling Rouge tied (with Ruby Red from Express) for favorite plant among the trial attendees at the N.G. Heimos Poinsettia Open House.

They also introduced Pure Red, which they say has a better color than Red with darker green foliage. And the cyathia is actually red instead of yellow and it doesn’t bolt.

Princettia Queen (Suntory)

Timing: 7.5 to 8 weeks

Vigor: Medium  

Recommended container: Up to 8 in.

The other three new varieties are in the Princettia Queen collection of larger medium-vigor euphorbias. Queen Pink was a solo variety; it’s now joined by Queen Hot Pink, Queen Shell Pink and Queen Rose Punch.

Article ImagePeach Glow (Selecta One)

Timing: 7.5 weeks

Vigor: Low   

Recommended container: 4 to 8 in.

Peach Glow features soft pink bracts that will make an interesting pre-Thanksgiving accompaniment to Lemon Glow and Orange Glow to make a full collection.

Aurora Queen (Selecta One) (pictured)

Timing: 8.5 weeks

Vigor: High   

Recommended container: 6 in. to a tree

Aurora Queen—a robust, florist-quality offering—brings back the artsy rose-on-cream coloration reminiscent of Monet Twilight, which has since been dropped. It’s for Week 48 and later when grown under natural days. If grown out west in drier climates, it can flower about a week earlier. GT

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