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Harnessing a Wealth of Knowledge From Industry Experts

Marta Maria Garcia
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In the dynamic world of horticulture, staying ahead of the competition and constantly improving product selection, sales strategies and quality control measures are paramount. This is why Dümmen Orange established an advisory board to accelerate progress in these areas.

Over the past few months, the Dümmen Orange Advisory Board has taken a supportive role in shaping the company’s approach and is making a valuable impact in the following areas of focus:  

Strategic guidance. The advisory board members bring a wealth of industry knowledge and experience. Their collective insights are guiding us in shaping our long-term strategies, assisting us in navigating market trends and seizing emerging opportunities.

Pictured: The members of Dümmen Orange’s new advisory board from left to right: Yves Cournoyer, LJ Contillo and Dr. Paul Fisher, with Perry Wisman, Global COO (second from left).

LJ Contillo has played an active role in advising in key crop marketing strategies. His expertise has helped the company identify the right crops to focus on and how to tailor our product portfolio to meet market demands effectively. With LJ’s guidance, the company has been able to focus on those products and product forms that fit the needs of our customers, resulting in a more targeted and successful approach to new product positioning for the years to come.    

Networking and partnership. The advisory board has not only contributed on product positioning, but also advises on customer relations. The members of the board have shared their experiences and expertise in sales, helping the company fine-tune its approach to reach a broader audience and enhance our customer satisfaction.

By attending trade shows and industry events, Yves Cournoyer has started to have a direct impact on Dümmen Orange’s sales approach. He’s interacted with current and future customers, gained insights into market dynamics, and identified opportunities for growth. These real-world interactions have enabled the company to adapt and refine its sales strategies in a way that aligns more closely with the needs of our customers.

Quality control. Ensuring the highest quality standards in plant production is a critical aspect of Dümmen Orange’s business. Advisory board member Dr. Paul Fisher will be visiting our production farms in Central America within the next month in preparation for the shipping season ahead. Dr. Fisher’s extensive experience and familiarity with our farm teams in Central America make this visit particularly valuable, as it serves as both a reintroduction to the production teams, and an opportunity to review and enhance our protocols. We’re looking forward to a powerful exchange of best practices to ensure we stay at the forefront of cutting-edge quality control measures.   

Commitment and impact. We’re excited to leverage the collective knowledge and expertise of the board members to help us accelerate progress in these strategic areas. The Dümmen Orange Advisory Board has emerged as a catalyst for success in various facets of the company’s operations. The board’s collective expertise and insights will propel Dümmen Orange toward achieving its goals more effectively. While it’s been active for only a short period, the board’s contributions have already made a significant difference.

As Dümmen Orange continues to work closely with its advisory board, the future holds great promise for further growth and innovation in our industry. GT

Marta Maria Garcia is Head of Marketing and Retail North America for Dümmen Orange.

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