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Corteva Introducing Floxcor Fungicide

JC Chong

Corteva Agriscience announced that a new fungicide, called Floxcor, will be available to the turf and ornamental market in late 2023. Floxcor contains fluoxastrobin, a FRAC Group 11 (strobilurin) fungicide with a broad spectrum of activities against 28 foliar, stem and root diseases. You may know fluoxastrobin, which is also the active ingredient in Disarm and Fame.

Fluoxastrobin is a systemic fungicide that moves quickly into the plant tissues through absorption. Target diseases include Anthracnose, brown patch, fairy ring, leaf spot, Pythium and snow mold on turfgrasses and ornamental plants in greenhouses, nurseries, landscapes, golf courses and lawns. Application becomes rainfast in 15 minutes.

We’ll cover more about this product once it’s available for purchase in the marketplace and a label is ready for review. GT



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