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SePRO Hires New Technical Development Manager

Jennifer Zurko
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And it’s none other than our friend and editor of our PestTalks newsletter JC Chong! JC will be SePRO’s Technical Development Manager starting in April, where he’ll be in charge of the company’s R&D program.

Formerly a professor and extension specialist at Clemson University, JC has more than 15 years in the industry. He completed his post-doctoral training at the University of Florida and has a broad body of work, including studies on diversity, biology and pesticide efficacy, and biological control of scale insects, mealybugs and spider mites. (If you’re a regular reader of his PestTalks newsletter, you already know JC knows his stuff.)

Luckily for us, JC is still going to writing his twice-monthly newsletter. And with his new gig at SePRO, he’ll be out and about visiting growers and reporting back on what he’s seeing with regard to pest management.

Congrats, JC! GT   

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