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IPM Essen Canceled

Chris Beytes

IPM Essen, planned for January 26-29 at the Messe Essen, has been canceled. Messe Essen didn’t cancel IPM—the event organizers did—because, they say, of the continued uncertainty about travel, not only from countries outside of Europe (45 countries exhibit or attend), but also from within Europe, due to the increase in cases of COVID in the Benelux countries and France.

IPM Essen will NOT be doing a virtual version of the event as others have done. However, they are “giving the industry a stage at the planned date of the fair and, together with its partner associations, is organizing a top-level meeting between decision-makers and politicians.”

In the meantime, mark your calendar for IPM Essen 2022, scheduled to take place at Messe Essen January 25-28, 2022. GT

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