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On The Move

Jennifer Zurko


Nate King has accepted the position of Ball Seed Sales Representative for the Tennessee and Western Kentucky sales territory. Nate has spent the last eight years working with his father, Nathan King, in Georgia, South Carolina and on key accounts in the Southeast. Prior to that, Nate worked in sales for Turner Seed Company for three years. He started his career in sales with Ball Seed and Ball Ornamentals in Western and Northern Florida in 2005. 


Michael (Mike) Betterly, an experienced horticultural and consumer products executive, joins Hoffman Nursery as Head of Sales and Marketing. David Hoffman, who has had a range of responsibilities at the nursery, moves up to Senior Director of Sales and Operations.  

Mike brings experience in sales, branding, finance and corporate strategy. In overseeing the Sales and Marketing teams, he will concentrate on strategic planning and program development. His addition will give the nursery’s customers more dedicated sales and marketing expertise to help grow their businesses. He spent eight years as Vice President of Marketing and Sales with The Organic Mechanics Soil Co. in the Philadelphia area.

David grew up with Hoffman Nursery and the horticultural industry. He worked part time at the nursery through high school and earned a degree in Horticultural Science from North Carolina State University. Afterward, he spent two years working at perennial plant nurseries in Europe. He returned to Hoffman Nursery in 2015, serving as Project Manager and Chief Customer Experience Officer.

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