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Growing Lewisia Little Tutti Frutti

Mary Vaananen
Article ImageJelitto Perennial Seeds is celebrating the success of the recently introduced Lewisia longipetala hybrid series, which includes Little Plum, Little Peach and Little Mango. These selected seed strains have proven to be beautiful and durable, and much easier to germinate when available as Gold Nugget seed. The popularity of the series has prompted the release of Little Tutti Frutti—a colorful mix that completes the series with additional colors.

Developed from over 2,000 breeding stock seedlings, Little Tutti Frutti is the balanced result of these hybridizing plants. We’ve found them to be better adapted to living through wet winters and generally live longer in many landscape environments. In many regions, these plants can easily overwinter in containers with the appropriate soil mix. You can look forward to blossoms in white, magenta, salmon, orange, plum, peach, mango and other lovely color blends. This longipetala/hybrida mix is excellent for containers, troughs or the rock garden with colorful blooms from May through mid-June and again in September.

Lewisia longipetala/hybrida Little Tutti Frutti grows best in full sun or part shade in a well-drained (xeric) position. Native to the Sierra Nevada Mountains, these hardy, fleshy plants don’t need a whole lot of attention, but will provide the gardener with colorfully nuanced flowers above thick succulent foliage.

General information: Height and spread of a plant in a growing season is 6 in. by 10 in.

Soil conditions and pH: Little Tutti Frutti prefers gritty, well-drained soils and a pH of 5.8 to 6.8.

Cultivation: There are approximately 1,700 seeds per gram. A general sowing rate is about 2 to 3 seeds per cell for a 72 tray. A 128 tray size is also appropriate for this crop.

Germination: Currently, this seed strain is not available as Gold Nugget seed, so it requires a cold period for germination. Do follow Sowing Direction No. 1, in the catalog or online at

Scheduling: November through March (Northern Hemisphere) are the months to schedule this plant. Seeds will germinate in 8 to 10 weeks, and grow quickly from that point. Allow 4 to 8 weeks time from germination to transplant of the plugs or cells. Cutting back this plant is not necessary as it has a naturally compact and tidy habit.

Vernalization: No vernalization is required for first-year flowering Little Tutti Frutti.

Fertilization: This plant requires light fertility of about 100 to 150 ppm.

For more information about Lewisia Little Tutti Frutti and where to purchase seeds, email Mary Vaananen at, or visit and order online. GT

Mary Vaananen is North American Manager for Jelitto Perennial Seeds based in Louisville, Kentucky.
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