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Terra Nova Nurseries and Danziger Announce North American Licensing Agreement

Jennifer Zurko

Terra Nova Nurseries, Inc. and Danziger jointly announced they’ve signed a licensing agreement, granting Danziger rights to produce and sell cuttings from Terra Nova Nurseries’ elite stock.

Order fulfillment will come from the Terra Nova stock at Danziger’s Guatemala facility; the Terra Nova cutting assortment will be added to Danziger’s existing production and marketing programs, which are open to all broker companies in North America.

The partnership was developed because the breeders’ assortments have very little overlap in terms of genera. The collaboration will create a more diverse and comprehensive offering of annual and perennial varieties for customers.  

The new partnership was launched in Europe January 22 at IPM ESSEN and in North America during California Spring Trials. Customers can expect availability of cuttings as of Week 40. Availabilities will be visible through Danziger’s ordering system.

Perennial marketing for the program will be conducted under the ThinkPlant umbrella, of which both companies are active members. GT


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