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MSU Gets an LED Install

Chris Beytes

We count on universities to test the new products coming into horticulture, and to that end, Michigan State University will be getting some serious practical experience with LED (light-emitting diode) lighting in 11 of the teaching greenhouses at the East Lansing campus. Philips Lighting is doing the installation, which will feature 264 of Philips’ toplighting modules with deep red/white/medium blue LEDs. The LED installation is one of the largest at any university in North America.

MSU uses their supplemental lighting for up to 16 hours a day between October and April, so just the decrease from 440 watts per fixture to 200 watts per LED will save a projected $15,000 in electricity.

Members of the Department of Horticulture, including Roberto Lopez, assistant professor, and Kristin Getter, academic specialist, have sought funding partnerships to revamp all aspects of the teaching greenhouses.

“We’re thankful to Philips, and we appreciate their collaboration in helping us create modern greenhouse teaching and outreach laboratories,” Kristin said. The greenhouses getting the LEDs are primarily used for teaching, as well as growing plant material for the on-campus horticultural trial gardens. GT

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