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Toscana Breeding Acquires Endisch Geranium Genetics

Chris Beytes
Toscana Breeding BV is a joint venture formed in 2012 between three companies: Florensis (the Dutch young plant producer and distribution company), P. van der Haak (a Dutch geranium young plant specialist) and Ball FloraPlant (Ball Horticultural Company’s vegetative breeding company).

Toscana specializes in pelargoniums, and to that end, they have just acquired the entire line of pelargonium genetics from the German pelargonium specialist Geranien Endisch GmbH. Why? To further broaden the already broad range of geranium genetics available to their customers. Says the press release, “With a number of interspecific types and unique color combinations, this ensures a very attractive extension to the range of products.” We were told the interspecific types are especially interesting to Toscana.

Toscana will take advantage of Endisch’s new production facility in Essingen, Germany, to produce young plants for specific regions of Germany. Unrooted cuttings will be relocated to Florensis’ new production location in Ethiopia.

As for you North American growers, Toscana’s varieties are sold via Ball FloraPlant in the product lines you already know, such as Dynamo and Presto. You’ll get the newest Endisch genetics, too, you just won’t see any Toscana branding or labeling. GT
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